It's been one of those weeks where blog posts have not wanted to come into existence... and a day where my hand cramps up the second I find a spare few minutes to write, and where the text box where I write posts on my blog does not actually appear to exist when I log in. Oh man... sometimes you just have to laugh at it all, right?! You have to laugh and remember that the sun is still shining and the world is still spinning and I can still get up and dance a crazy dance around the office if I want to.... oh and I'm not taking no for an answer on this blog post thing!

It's getting to that time of year where our empty cereal bowls sit on the kitchen table and are only cleared away when room needs to be made for the dinner plates... a time where I'm fighting to stay on top of the emails and I find that it's like I'm stretched a bit too thin at times. Do things ever get that way for you too?

The thing that kills me though is that anyone who knows me knows that I am loathe to ever use that 'b' word (no, not that one)... busy. I've always found it to be an arrogant word that leaves a pretty bad taste in my mouth, to be completely honest. And in my heart I think I know myself well enough to know that I am not one of those that thrives in a non-stop environment like that. I know that for me, as someone fighting every day to make art that hopefully says something, even a small thing... I need those periods of time, the in-between moments of stillness in order to find whatever magic I can. So I'm trying to remember that. I also loved this article I read recently all about this idea & totally agree.

I don't mean this to be one of those blog posts where it's complain complain, woe is me... because life is good right now for Dave and I. We were saying the other night before dinner (clearing away the empty cereal bowls!) that the weddings we've photographed so far this year have been some of the most special days and lovely people ever. We are planning our first 'Roads' trip for this November, and we are planning a talk we've been asked to give at a conference for photographers & artists in a couple of weeks. And we're still not halfway through (our) year, which is a bit crazy to me. Best of all, the results of stepping into a forest full of poison oak is finally starting to subside and my life is no longer revolving around polysporin & gauze. This, at the very least, is amazing!

Anyhow. I think I just needed to write. I'm sitting by the window of our bedroom and the breeze is blowing in and dinner's almost ready. Here's an image that makes me think of magic from a recent wedding I hope to share in full on here soon. Have a good night friends, and please join me in the fight for the space to just re-group and tap into that magical something we each have inside us. Don't forget about it.

xo, jenn



